

1 cup = 8 fl oz = 16 Tbsp = 48 tsp = 237 mL
3/4 cup = 6 fl oz = 12 Tbsp = 36 tsp = 177 mL
2/3 cup = 5 1/3 fl oz = 10 2/3 Tbs= 32 tsp =158 mL
1/2 cup = 4 fl oz = 8 Tbsp = 24 tsp = 118mL
1/3 cup = 2 2/3 fl oz = 5 1/3 Tbsp = 16 tsp = 79 mL
1/4 cup = 2 fl oz = 4 Tbsp = 12 tsp = 59 mL
1/8 cup = 1 fl oz = 2 Tbsp = 6 tsp= 30 mL
1/16 cup = 1/2 fl oz = 1 Tbsp = 3 tsp = 15 mL

For handy reference, print out measurements, cut out, glue to piece of poster board the same size, attach magnet to back. Great to have on refrigerator.

1 gal = 4 qt = 8 pt = 16 cup = 128 fl oz - 3.79 L
1/2 gal = 2 qt = 4 pt = 8 cup = 64 fl oz = 1.89 L
1/4 gal = 1 qt = 2 pt = 4 cup = 32 fl oz = .95 L
1/2 qt = 1 pt = 2 cup = 16 fl oz = .47 L
1/4 qt = 1/2 pt = 1 cup = 8 fl oz = .24 L

Hint from Debbie

You can keep brown sugar soft or resoften it by keeping a slice of bread with it. Soften chocolate chip cookies the same way--wrap the bread in piece of paper towel to keep the tastes separate.

Mix up several batches of cookies at one time. Freeze excess dough for use when needed. Most unbaked cookie dough can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks, frozen up to 4 months.

Crisp cookies that have softened can be recrisped in a 300 degree oven for 3-5 minutes.

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